ELC holds Staff Year End Gathering

As a way of celebrating the success achieved throughout Academic Year (AY) 2017-2018, the English Language Center (ELC) held a year-end gathering for staff at F003, ELC Building, on June 28, 2018.

Staff Support Committee (SSC) Coordinator Mr. Given Chakalisa welcomed everyone to the gathering and expressed his sincere gratitude to the management for the support it extended to the staff, especially to those who will be taking their Certificate in English Language Teaching to Adults (CELTA) course this summer, for giving them study leave.

ELC Head Mr. Ali Abdullah Al Balushi conveyed his deep appreciation to everyone, especially to the Post – Foundation (PF) and Foundation Program Coordinators, Mr Shijan Joseph, Ms. Amal Al Jahwari (Level 1), Mr. Hussein Al Balushi (Level 2), Mr. Senthil Kumar (Level 4) and special mention to Mr. Syed Taj Ul Islam for serving as Level 4 Coordinator for three years.

He continued his appreciation to the different committee coordinators, Mr. Given Chakalisa (SSC), as well as Staff Professional Development Team (SPDT) headed by Mr. Ossama Syed, Ms. Maryam AL Aufi (Student Support Committee), Mr. Haitham Yousri (Center Resource Committee), Karim Hanefioui (Academic Support Committee), and highlighted the Quality Assurance (QA) Committee headed by Mr. Elmo M. Purpura together with Mr. Hussein Al Mamari, Ms. Maryam Al Aufi, Mr. Aldrin Apolonio, Mr. Mathews Ninan, and the Assistant Deans of the College for completing the General Foundation Program (GFP) portfolio.

Mr. Ali also highlighted three major achievements of the Center for this academic year namely, movement to the new ELC Building, implementation of the new curriculum and completion of the GFP portfolio.

He also extended his gratitude to the Heads of Sections Mr. Ahmed Mohammed Al- Saadi and Mr. Nasser Abdullah Al- HIndasi, and to the ELC Coordinator Ms. Catherine Manansala.

The gathering ended with the giving of certificate of appreciation to different staff who belonged to different committees and a sumptuous lunch organized by SSC.



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